03 August 2012

Grateful Dead Spring 1990 Skull Illustration

Dark Knight Trading

Wednesday August 1st notched yet another day in the trading twilight zone.  It all started when news circulated that Lewis Bacon would be [foregoing $40M in fees and 20% of whatever he could earn in the markets being privy to insider Fed meetings] returning $2B to investors.  In closing he said that Markets are increasingly distorted by central banks attempts to squeeze drops of growth from an over-indebted private sector.”   Listen Louis – I couldn’t agree more…but you’re killing me giving up on this business.   [Head does one rotation, counter clockwise]  

Simultaneously, all hell broke loose in over 100 stocks.  To illustrate trading hell by the numbers:  In some names 5X the average daily volume was directed to be executed "market on open", 148 stocks had to be investigated, 40 unsuspecting listed companies more dislocated more than 10% from last sale, trades were later cancelled indefinitely in 6 different names, and for laughs China Cord Blood Corp more than doubled in price.  [Head does one rotation,  clockwise].

Yes, these orders were entered IN ERROR by a human and directed through algorithms that were thrown into a market already dominated by 70% algorithms (because traders are lazy anonymous sheep most of the time).  For 45 minutes algo-bots attacked single names and we had another un-tradeable financial tempest in a tea pot.  There is certainly human error involved but to address a few arguments mindlessly floated out there by hard working floor traders - this IS a system failure.  Human error has safeguards built in common sense.  

If it this isn't system failure then tell me what would happen if a professional floor trader with a badge took an order to SELL, for example, TWO HUNDRED MILLION SHARES OF PFIZER on the opening.  The hair on the back of his neck would stand up, his heart would race, but his gut would blurt out to the order bearer:


To rant within a rant - I always wonder why portfolio managers and execution traders aren't FIXATED on NYSE openings - it is the only time of day you have a clue where "VOLUME AT A PRICE" is going to trade and you can try to game it as you like.  If all traders committed to the patience of a proper stock opening they would take the auction process out of the hands of the specialist and put it back in the hands of the interested parties.  But no, sadly in this version of Wall Street the buy side only likes to play poker after midnight at the Soho Club.

So we've been paying close attention to all the events that undermine global investor’s belief in this ultimately fragile financial system.  Some of them make the platform we are trading on feel like a road side tree house in Jurassic Park (and make me bullish gold) so let's do a recap.  

Starting in real time going backward we are watching the toxic fraud known as the Facebook fall off our screens, we had global exchange BATS go BATS$%T crazy on its own IPO day, we had a veritable IPO cancellation parade down, and back in an ominous October of 2010 we had “THE FLASH CRASH” when some guy in the mid-west evaporated $4 billion dollars in a simple miscue.  Forget about the implosion of real volume in a central bank waste land trading atmosphere - all of this is taking place while (another branch of!) self regulating authorities launch phony investigations and throw out buzz words like "structural cracks", "technology issues" and "market glitch."  Somebody rescue us from this market structure hell.

Why can’t we wake up Mary Shapiro & Co. at the SEC to demonstrate that she is useless but her job abundantly secure.  Go ahead - take the floor and please explain why this trading cesspool remains in a broken condition and then tell us who is condoning it?

All this monetary and mental capital blown to smithereens all so that the NY FED could safely transform itself from a client of investment banks, in theatrical irony, to trade under the same conditions as the hacktivist global brain operates – for to trade in an algo is to trade ANONYMOUS like an expressionless man in a theater mask. 

In another gross coincidence of Hollywood entwined with reality – stock ticker gone dark – KNIGHT SECURITIES [KCG] was the patsy in this unbridled computer shit show.  Thank God the damage was only the massive and abrupt loss of somebody else's money.

Later in the day the Fed warned it would end Zero Interest Rate Policy Forever no earlier than late 2014, another desk worth of five year traders was fired, equity traders put on shorts the market will never be let them out of and everyone went home. 

The next day everyone came in trying desperately to forget any of it ever happened.